
Declutter & Organize

Your home should be your sanctuary, clear of chaos. My mission is to help you create systems using the KonMari Method for everyday life and long-term sustainability for you and your family.

Life Events

Moving? Let me help you purge and pack or unpack. Same home, new purpose? Together we can declutter, reorganize and repurpose your space for today’s needs.

Seasonal Styling

Holiday decorating and entertaining is exciting, but also time consuming. Let me handle your event coordination and decorating needs so you can focus on the important stuff.

The Process


During your in person consultation, we will walk through your project(s), chat about your goals and obstacles and put together a plan for how we will achieve your organizational goals.

Plan & Purge

We will begin by removing each item from it’s current place and start sorting everything into categories. Then we will begin to purge, donate, and declutter. You can be involved as much, or as little as you like!


In order to maintain your newly organized space, we will declare a home for each of your items. Then we will contain the items in your new or recycled products and label each one for long term sustainability.

Customized Solutions

In Person

I offer hands on organizing after our in person consultation where we implement our plan based on your individualized needs.


I will provide remote organization and support you virtually. You will measure and purge. I will plan and order. We will walk through each step of the process together.


We’ve now purged, decluttered, and reorganized. Our refresh packages help you through seasonal changes and life events on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis.